L’Absolue de Jasmin 10% a été conçue pour vous permettre de parfumer vos formules et synergies. Son odeur enivrante et caractéristique du Jasmin saura apporter de la fraîcheur à vos mélanges.
Juniper essential oil is obtained from the ripe berries of the juniper tree (Juniperus communis) through steam distillation. Below are some of its properties and uses:
Juniper is a shrub or tree from the conifer family commonly found in Europe, Asia, and North America. Juniper berries have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.
Juniper essential oil has antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, stimulating, and tonic properties. These properties are believed to assist in the treatment of digestive issues, respiratory infections, skin disorders, muscle pain, and arthritis.
Juniper essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to address respiratory issues, such as
Botanical name: Juniperus communis
Family: Cupressaceae
Part used: Berries
CAS: 8002-68-4
EINECS: 283-268-3
FlevoTrade sorts onions in different sizes. High-tech equipment combined with craftsmanship ensures that the onions are processed in the right condition. Looking for a specific size? Contact us directly for more information.
The benefits of organic macadamia oil are numerous, including :
nourishing : this vegetable oil deeply nourishes the skin for maximum hydration. Indeed, it has a good amount of palmitoleic acid, a rather special fatty acid: it is indeed an omega-7, naturally present in membrane lipids.
softener : this vegetable oil restores suppleness and elasticity to the skin, thus fighting against skin aging. It also fights against stretch marks and scars.
soothing : softening and calming, this vegetable oil relieves damaged and fragile skin. It is widely used to soften hands chapped and cracked by the cold.
skin protector : this vegetable oil protects skin cells from external aggressions such as pollution or the sun thanks to its light UV filter.
penetrating : this vegetable oil penetrates very easily and quickly into the skin because it is very fluid. It does not leave a greasy feeling and is a perfect massage oil base.
Le Potimarron du nom latin Cucurbita Maxima appartient à la famille des Cucurbitacae. FRDP met en place des filières agricoles auprès de producteurs sélectionnés. Après la réception à l'usine, les potimarrons sont lavés, égrenés, coupés, blanchis puis surgelés IQF.
Potimmaron issu de l'agriculture biologique:100%
Total énergetique:42 Kcal 175 kJ
Fibres alimentaires:3,2 g
Protéines:1,9 g
Il nostro tunnel di lavaggio per ortofrutta è interamente costruito in acciaio INOX AISI304.
Attraverso un tappeto d’acciaio, scorrendo attraverso la camera di lavaggio dotata di ugelli disposti a 360°, permette la pulizia di frutta e verdura “sia in cassetta” sia sfusa.
La portata d'acqua è facilmente regolabile in base alle specifiche esigenze e due filtri a piastra consentono di asportare il materiale di scarto garantendo la continuità di lavaggio.
La fotocellula, posta alla fine del nastro ed eludibile tramite la consolle di comando, arresta automaticamente il nastro a “fine corsa” del prodotto.
Le due coperture ai lati del tunnel, facilmente rimovibili ed il sistema di deflusso dei liquidi, composto da un chiusino ed una valvola da 3” rendono molto semplici le operazioni di pulizia della macchina stessa.
b) 20kgs/carton;
c) 10kgs/mesh bag,
d) 20kgs/mesh bag
Supply Ability:100 Tons/Month
Loading Port:I wear
Delivery Time:14 days from confirmation
Alle Verpackungen sind umweltfreundlich ohne chemische Behandlung aus heimischen Hölzern (Pappel, Buche) hergestellt.
EWS 220D
Apfelsteige mit Deckleiste 3-lattig
Artikelnummer: AG1012
Modell: AG1012
Ecksteher Höhe: 14 cm
Maße: 30x40 cm
Mit unseren Obst- und Gemüsekisten ist der Transport und die Lagerung von Obst und Gemüse einfach und unkompliziert. Die Kisten sind speziell an die Anforderungen der Obst- und Gemüsebauern angepasst.
Die Obst-&Gemüsekisten von Alpha Paletten & Boxen sind auf die speziellen Wünsche der Obst- und Gemüsebauern abgestimmt. Durch den speziellen Aufbau der Kisten kann die frische Ernte direkt verpackt und schonend zum Kunden geliefert werden. Wir bieten unsere Grünen Obst- und Gemüsekisten in verschiedenen Größen und Variationen an. Ebenfalls bieten wir Klappkisten mit einem Klappmechanismus an, was Vorteilhaft bei der Lagerung bei nicht gebrauch ist.
Perfekt für kleine Gebinde und wenig Platz!
Die Steigen und kleinen Boxen passen sich Ihrem Arbeits- und Platzverhältnissen an. Vorallem die faltbaren Steigen sparen enorm viel Platz und sind leichtgewichtig und dabei stabil.
Seiten und Boden perforiert
Außenmaße:600 x 400 x 240 mm
Gewicht:2 kg
Innenmaße:565 x 365 x 225 mm
Material:HD-PE, UV resistent
Volumen:46 l
Product material: solid wood (pine or beech)
This product can be fabricated in any other sizes on demand
This product can be painted or stained in various colors on demand.
Depth:200 сm
Height:170 cm
Length:650 cm
Long Shelf Life
Innovative Shape and Aroma
Standard Size
10 Pieces in a 0.5 Kg Chalet - 40x60x14 Cardboard Box
10 Pieces in 1 Kg Chalet - 40x60x14 Cardboard Box
* The Product Can Be Packed in Desired Sizes and Shapes According to Demand.
Confiez-nous vos prestations de végétalisation de toitures et de terrasses puis libérez-vous pour vos chantiers d’étanchéité.
VEGELANDE EST, plus qu’un sous-traitant, un partenaire !
• Prestation compétitive et économique
• Soutien, assistance et conseil auprès de vos donneurs d’ordre, nous sommes force de propositions
• Gestion de la logistique chantier (approvisionnements, livraisons, stockage, levages/grutages)
• Réalisation professionnelle, dans le respect des réglementations (technique, sécurité...)
• Garantie et entretien
VEGELANDE EST met son expertise et son savoir-faire à votre disposition afin de mener à bien vos projets de végétalisation de toitures.
Nous répondons et proposons les solutions techniques (caissettes ou tapis précultivés, plantations ou semis avec notre procédé dédié Terramulch...) les mieux adaptées à vos projets (contraintes, cahier des charges, entretien, coût, esthétique...).
I pomodori sono ricchi di sostanze nutritive e una forte fonte di vitamine A e C, che aiutano a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e sono benefici per la sintesi del collagene e la salute della pelle. Contiene significativamente più licopene sotto forma di polvere essiccata rispetto ai pomodori freschi ed essendo un potente antiossidante, può aiutare a proteggere dalle malattie cardiache e da vari tipi di cancro.
INFORMAZIONI SUL PRODOTTO. La polvere di pomodoro disidratato viene prodotta dal pomodoro coltivato in proprio essiccando e macinando il pomodoro. La polvere di pomodori secchi è composta al 100% da pomodori maturati al sole. Contiene tutta la dolcezza e l'acidità del pomodoro fresco, senza esaltatori di sapidità, sale, aromi o sostanze chimiche antiagglomeranti. Il sapore è intenso e più saporito della maggior parte dei pomodori freschi. Ideale per aggiungere sapore e colore di pomodoro alle formulazioni, nonché per addensare e regolare la necessaria materia secca (consistenz
White cabbage, after the core has been removed, you can choose to have the cabbage halved or quartered. Like this, you can immediately use the cabbage for further preparations, such as raw vegetable salads.
Content:15 kg.